Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Week Six and a Half Podcast and Video

You can't have a Rock and Roll Library without a muppet song.

Week Six Podcast and Video

Here are some muppets to tell us about banned books.

Week Five Social Networking

Ok, I fought very hard at the beginning. I refused to do Myspace when it came out. I felt I was too old for it. I thought it was for teenagers and twenty somethings. I did not want to be a creepy older person who was stalking people on Myspace. I thought that it was a form of dating site. I said, "NO thank you!"

I then discovered Facebook. Oh don't get me wrong, I fought that too. I thought I was too old and I didn't care to connect with anyone from my past. What can I say? I'm an anti social. I got into Facebook not to connect with anyone but to play the free games that were on them. Of course the games required "friends" to advance to the next stage. I started out with the few people I knew but that was not getting me anywhere in the games. It was very dismal and pathetic. I then started playing Mafia Wars on Facebook and recruited people from all over to join my Mafia. Now I have "friends" from all over the world. There are people from Denmark, Belgium, Costa Rica, South Africa, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Italy, Iraq, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Slovakia, Mexico, Philippines, Norther Ireland, Japan and even Kalamazoo. Of course I don't know any of these people personally, but I am connected to them via Facebook games. I have a few people that I email back and forth with questions and comments. How cool is it to have someone from Jakarta answer a question? Pretty dang cool! I can see from the "friend" pages that they are all from diffrent age groups and walks of life. I have people from college age to people in their retirement. I have who are housewives and family people to artists and filmmakers. Pretty dang cool!

I prefer not to do the chat rooms. I really can't go there. Remember? I am anti social.

As for Twitter, I rather not! I really don't care enough for constant updates of any kind. Celebrities really? Do they really want to be stalked that bad?

That concludes my rant. Thank you very much.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week Four RSS Feed

Ok I finally figured it out. I subscribed to MSNBC Headline News for my outlook news feed. I also subscribed to Petsugar.com and Tastespotting.com. I won't have to read them really, just look at the pretty pictures.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week Four RSS Feed

I tried many times to add petsugar.com to my RSS feed on my outlook account, but the same message kept appearing. It won't connect to the server. I will try it again tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week Three Clementine Created a Wiki Page in the Auraria Intranet

Yes, it was pretty easy creating a wiki page for my human. I even added picture.

Week 2 More Flickr Fun with Clementine

Wow, how fun! I look even better as arrrrt.